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Suicide Prevention Training 

Juneau Suicide Prevention Coalition offers free community suicide prevention training. 


Suicide prevention is a critical issue that affects many communities. Our training is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and support those who may be at risk. ​​​


CLICK HERE to find out more about our free trainings and presentations!

Suicide Prevention Meetings 

​Attending suicide prevention group meetings can be a valuable resource for learning about suicide prevention strategies and best practices. These meetings provide an opportunity to connect other professionals in the field, share knowledge and experiences, and collaborate on suicide prevention efforts. 


Coalition Work Committee Meetings 

The Coalition welcomes​: individuals who are committed to reducing the loss and suffering caused by suicide and suicidal behavior in Southeast Alaska; community members who are passionate about creating a path to improved mental health, a sense of belonging, and connectedness to others, and organizations and businesses looking to make an impact. Coalition work is completed via work committees. To join a committee and to learn more about how to get involved visit our Join Us page. 


Monthly Southeast Alliance on Suicide Prevention (SEAS) Meetings 

Join SE AK communities educating and raising awareness about suicide prevention while building supportive relationships with each other. Southeast Alliance on Suicide Prevention (SEAS) focuses on prevention efforts being a communal responsibility, providing support resources, and fostering a network of collaboration among various stakeholders, including local organizations, healthcare providers, and community members.


What to Expect:

  • Discussions about the current state of mental health in Southeast Alaska highlighting the importance of suicide prevention, and recent research findings.

  • Discussions about community involvement and the role of local organizations in suicide prevention.

  • Connection, open sharing and partnerships for future suicide prevention initiatives.


Meetings are hosted virtually and held on the 2nd Wednesday at 2-3:30pm of each month. 

​Register in advance HERE.​


Community Crisis Response Planning 

Through a community approach JSPC partners with local agencies and organizations to develop community specific safety nets.  For immediate resources after a suicide death CLICK HERE.

Survivors Support Group 

Over half of the US population has been impacted by suicide, yet suicide is still surrounded by stigma. Being able to talk openly with others about suicide and/or someone who died by suicide can alleviate some of the pain. 


Join us monthly on alternative Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm at the 8711 Teal Street Center, Large Conference Room for connection and healing. This free peer-led group is open to adults who identify as impacted by suicide. Support person(s) are welcome! 


  • Led by people with lived experience of suicide loss and suicidal ideation

  • No specific medical therapy or treatment is endorsed

  • Confidential


Let this group serve as a reminder that you are not alone! 

No lengthy registration required, just give us a call or email if you plan to attend!

Contact or call 907-463-4251. 


CLICK HERE to learn more about NAMI Juneau support groups! 

School Based Suicide Prevention Curriculum

Signs of Suicide: 

Signs of Suicide (SOS) is a presentation designed for middle school (ages 11-13) and high school (ages 13-17) students.

The goals of this program are:

  • Decrease suicide and suicide attempts by increasing student knowledge and adaptive attitudes about depression

  • Encourage personal help-seeking and/or help-seeking on behalf of a friend

  • Reduce the stigma of mental illness and acknowledge the importance of seeking help or treatment

  • Engage parents and school staff as partners in prevention through education

  • Encourage schools to develop community-based partnerships to support student mental health


SEHE (Social Emotional Health Education):

A 6 to 8 week program of group discussions on different topics related to mental health. 


Choosing Healthy Options in Cooperative Education (CHOICE) Camps:

Day long camps for Choice students about various topics related to mental health.​

Questions for Clem! 

A bi-weekly mental health advice column for parents/guardians and youth in Southeast & Juneau, AK. 

To learn more and to read past columns CLICK HERE.

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